Tab 1 - Inquiry correspondence
Tab 2 - Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety Framework Document (September 2011)
Tab 3 - HSC Board Member Handbook (May 2021)
Tab 4 - BHSCT Service and Budget Agreement Examples
Tab 5 - Northen1 Ireland Fiscal Council Sustainability Report 2022: special focus - Heath (September 2022)
Tab 6 - Standing Financial Instructions and Scheme of Delegation
Tab 7 - DHSSPS Circular - HSS(F) 25/2000 - Break-Even Duty, Provisions and Accumulated Deficits (29 June 2000)
Tab 8 (Part 1 and 2) - BHSCT Delivery Plan Examples
Tab 8 (Part 3) - BHSCT Delivery Plan Examples
Tab 9 - BHSCT Budgetary Plan (2022 - 2023)
Tab 10 - Belfast Trust Financial Management Framework
Tab 11 - Excel Spreadsheet which indicates spend on MAH from Capital (December 2008 - October 2021)
Tab 12 - The Financial Aspects of Corporate Governance (December 1992) "The Cadbury Report"
Tab 13 - DHSSPS Circular – HSS(PM) 10/2002 – Governance in the HPSS – Clinical and Social Care Governance: Guidelines for Implementation (13 January 2003)
Tab 14 - BHSCT Corporate Plan Examples
Tab 15 - BHSCT Board Assurance Framework Examples
Tab 16 - BHSCT Integrated Governance and Assurance Framework Example
Tab 17 - BHSCT Framework for Organisational Development (2015- 2025)
Tab 18 - Management Plans relevant to Learning Disability Examples
Tab 19 - Terms of Reference for Committees/Groups Examples
Tab 20 - BHSCT Principal Risk Document Example
Tab 21 - BHSCT Annual Report Examples
Tab 22 - BHSCT Annual Quality Reports Examples
Tab 23 - BHSCT Delegated Statutory Function Report Examples
Tab 24 - Interim Delegated Statutory Functions Report 2010/2011
Tab 25 - 2010 publication “Promoting Quality Care: Good Practice Guidance on the Assessment and Management of Risk in Mental Health and Learning Disability Services
Tab 26 - SITREP/Safety Report Examples
Tab 27 - TILII (Telling It Like It Is) Newsletter